Monday, October 26, 2015

First post and shit...

If you know me in the real world or online, then you already know that I have a boring blog that has been untouched for over a year at Let's hope this one doesn't go to "hell" as well. Yup, be prepared for puns and other really bad jokes, but mostly at the expense of the religious so it's all good.

Now, if you would, imagine a world without gods. Oh, wait, that's what we live in. Let me start again. Imagine a world with a god, OK, specifically with God. Ah... the Abrahamic one to be more specific. The Christian one, I guess or whatever.

So remember, we are pretending he is real, along with the other stuff in that great book of his. The devil (are you supposed to capitalize devil?), his henchmen and God's henchmen all exist in this realm of imagination! I hear that they are battling, like right now, for souls and stuff. Like you can't tell it's going on, but people swear it is happening right this second. If I close my eyes real tight to the point of hurting myself I can see a female goblin fighting cherubs and a witch fighting an archangel. This pics serve as reference to whatever the hell I'm talking about. Click the pics for interesting b.s. on the matter.

OK, so we have magical things flying about us pictured in our heads right? Now imagine this battle plays out. Either God is having fun messing with the demons and the devil, or he is not capable of stopping this battle. Think about God as not being all powerful, all knowing, infinite and all everything or another. He obviously is not or is, the good book is kind of confusing about stuff like this. So, humor me on this, let's say this battle plays out and God loses. The devil and his minions take over heaven. First off, is that really some place you still want to go? Now, I would imagine that the devil is less compassionate (more compassionate based on your interpretation of the Bible). Being less (more) compassionate the devil kills God. Would you even know? What if you think you are praying to God in heaven and someone else actually has taken his spot? 

Alright, I know none of this is possible. I mean cherubs fighting, that would never happen, but then again with God anything is possible, thus this fiction I just wrote is definitely possible!

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